Thursday, March 3, 2011

Staying The Course

One of the things that is most difficult about this journey to health and wellness (as well as my career and financial goals) is staying the course. Being focused and disciplined enough to know that every day when I wake ~ this is my life to do with what I want ~ and hold tight to that.

As I take this challenge, I take it one day at a time. I motivate myself by finding the motivation in others who have gone before.

Muhammad Ali was, undoubtedly, the greatest of all time. When I was younger and would watch his weigh-ins, I was so far removed what his rants. I thought he was a crazy man. But of course, hindsight is 20/20 and now I realize what he was doing.

It doesn't matter who you have around you that may believe in you or not. What matters is how you believe in yourself. What matters is how you handle yourself through your self-talk. It's very easy to quiet the external chatter that is going on about you. What's the most difficult is to quiet the mind and the chatter within.

I am taking great efforts to do just that, to quiet my mind and the chatter within. I am taking great efforts to change that chatter to something more to my liking. To something that is more in align with who I am and what I want for myself and my family.

So my morning habit is 30 minutes of meditation. I love the self-hypnotizing effect of meditation. That is my time. Which is a part of my life to do with what I want.

Aristole said that we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.

These are my new habits.

Today is truly a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog through the SINS challenge. Well said, I think we all have issues with the mind chatter. One of my mantras has been to tell myself "how hard can it be?" when faced with something challenging. Keep up the good work!
