Thursday, February 24, 2011

Let the Games Begin!

Well, I have been threatening to get back into shape for years. I've had many distractions (a/k/a excuses) to ignore the most important person in my life: me.  It's very easy to do. As many working mothers and wives out there know (and I am certain men feel the same way). And if you are a care taker, much like myself, nothing brings you greater joy and distraction than tending to the needs of others rather than maintaining the needs of your own!

Can I get an AMEN!

Then a few years ago when I turned 48 it hit me: I'm gonna be 50 in a few years. No one every really tells that one day you'll be your parents. It sort of gets drowned out the all the noise life brings with it.

You have your kids, family, work.  Which when you are going through it, you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's sheer chaos from the gate. Then the next thing you know, you're parents are aging and you are caring for them.

And then one day you're looking in the mirror and the face you see staring back at you isn't the one you remembered.

So what do you do? Well, in my case, I changed careers! I became a real estate agent! Outside of my husband and family (well grandkids ;)), nothing brings greater joy than helping make someone else's dreams come true.  It's a great feeling. It truly is.

So what next? Join a gym! So I did! Yeah me! I joined Lifetime Fitness. I am now working out five days a week for approximately 60 to 90 minutes a day.

Then what? You pledge to raise $10,000 for the Michigan Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association and add running to your regime. I am rocking my own boat, do you mind!

So there other day, I was checking out my Facebook account and my niece has "Liked" this Skinny is the New Strong and it struck me: I don't want to be skinny or thin. I wanted to be strong and healthy. So here I am, creating this blog and pledging to keep to this challenge.

Since I joined the gym, I have already lost 17 pounds. Normally, I would let that number bother me but I realize two things: I am facing 50, so it's not gonna come off as easily as it did when I was 25 or even 35 for that matter. But I am building muscle. I've lost inches and can pinch less of myself so that is where I notice.

But anyway, I digress. Getting back to my blog.

Right now, as I write this, I am not feeling it. And I am not making an excuse. I am struggling with the flu. But I am keeping myself positive; focused and believing in my heart. And that is where true transformation begins: within our heart and mind. You have to keep these two connected if you want to see great change.

But I will continue to blog, keeping you updated as I move back into the swing of things. I am the only person accountable for my success both in the gym and in my business. As with every aspect of my life.

I'll post pictures, as well.

In the meantime, please be good and well.

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